Friday, July 17, 2009

An interview with the big cheese

So today Billy and I interviewed our head administrator, Dr. Werthhiemer. The reason we did a duel interview is because Billy's project is about teenage abuse of marijuana while mine is examining cannabis policies. It was scheduled for yesterday, but I was taking care of my grandma and had to reschedule. The interview was great though, and I learned many interesting things about my topic and Dr. Werthhiemer. He is very knowledgable and has a Master's degree in alcohol and drug abuse counseling. He has alot of experience with the topic because as an educator, he knows how it affects students differently and how it becomes a problem for some. I respect his opinions and feel like I gained alot of info and opinions I can add to my project.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wacky Mondays!

It's only 11 in the morning, but already its been a busy day. This is my last full week of school, and then I am a senior! My project is going well, and recently my bestest buddy Mike has shown me a movie called Super High Me. I know, the title is ridiculous, but it is about a comedian who abstains from marijuana for 30 days, then smokes non stop for 30 days. It included many interesting facts and showed stories of what is going on in California with medical marijuana. It was nice to finally see visually what was going on rather than reading about it, so I will have many notes about current events involving my topic. I'll probably start taking notes on it this weekend, but for now, I still have to finish reading my book before its due at the library. Also, I was thinking of going to Market Square to set up a table with pamphlets, letters to our representatives people can sign showing their support and a survey. I'll keep you posted, and thanks to everyone for following my blog!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've struck gold!... kinda

Today I finished working on my interview questions for the Western PA NORML director and my school administrator Dr. Wertheimer. I also went to the Carnegie Library on Tuesday where I found some really good books on the history and controversy of cannabis policies. My friend let my rent out the book Marijuana: Opposing Viewpoints. Already I'm starting to love this book. It presents the controversy in such an informitive and unbiased way, I'll probably gain the majority of my information from here. I still have more research and interview questions to create for three more interviewees, but I made a lot of progress this week I hope to continue. Check ya later!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is thesisize a word?

Well I had to thesisize my essential question from the research I have found. My project thesis is adopting alternative cannabis policies can benefit our economy, healthcare system and environment. To prove this, I will need to continue research on what the alternative policies are, how they impact those three parts of society, and how the current policies are negatively impacting them. My notes are coming along nicely, and I should be completely done by next week. For now, I'm going on a 5 day vacation to see my family in Virginia, so...