Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh, what a difference a month can make

Where should I even start? Last month I contacted the new Pittsburgh NORML, which is located downtown. After describing my project to Patrick Nightingale, the NORML director, we decided on a bunch of different projects to help NORML get off the ground. The first action I took was to interview him, which I will soon edit and post on their website. I will also help in the building of their website as well as helping to find a meeting place for members each month. I've contacted the Beehive in southside, so hopefully that will work out. Also, I started to create the flyer to recruit members. I'm also planning to work with NORML in setting up a table somewhere to pass out information and get people involved. We also need to start raising money so we can help the other chapters in their efforts to get medical marijuana in Pittsburgh. I'm feeling really good, and theres much work to be done, but I'll keep you posted.