Sunday, May 31, 2009

Did You Know?

  • Cannabis is legal in many countries, such as Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Argentina and the Netherlands and is decriminalized in several more
  • California and 11 other states have legalized medical marijuana under their state laws
  • Cannabis is the largest cash crop in California, generating $14 billion a year in revenue
  • Marijuana is now used by over 25 million people annually in the United States
  • Since 1990, nearly 5.9 million Americans have been arrested on marijuana charges
  • African-Americans account for approxiametly 13% of the US population and about 13.5% of annual marijuana users. However, blacks are over 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for possession charges than a white american
  • 75% of all Americans who use marijuana never use harder drugs
  • Marijuana is often used for medicinal purposes such as relief from pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms
  • The cannabis plant is used for paper products, food, medicines, essential oils, nutritional supplements, livestock feed, construction, body care products, molded plastics and textiles
  • 10,000 acres of hemp will produce as much paper as 40,000 trees
  • Until 1880, nearly 90 percent of all paper in the world was made from hemp
  • The hemp seed contains no THC and is a fruit. Aside from soybeans, it is the greatest source of protein

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'M BACK!!!!

Today is my first day back from my trip to New York, and I'm beginning to start the next phase of my project. I have to create several Did You Know facts and then begin note taking to anwer my foundation questions. I'm excited about both because I love debating people, and one key element to any debate is having enough statistics in your arsenal to make it seem as if your opinion is scientifically and factually correct. You should see both postings by tommorow, but I'm not making any promises.


Monday, May 18, 2009

To legalize or not to legalize?

Today I completed my collage (which is now at the bottom of my blog) and revised my foundation questions witht the suggestions of Ms. Savido. While finding pictures for my collage, I came across alot of historical information on the use of cannabis in many countries around the world and a little bit on the history of the marijuana prohibition. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the subject, and I'm very thankful for all of my classmates and friends giving me feedback on my poll.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Essential and Foundation Questions

Essential Question: How would the proposed marijuana policies best suit and impact the American public?

Foundation Questions:

  1. What efforts are currently in progress to change marijuana policies?
  2. Why was cannabis made illegal?
  3. What are the medicinal uses of marijuana?
  4. How has marijuana been used throughout world history?
  5. What are the negative effects of marijuana?
  6. What are the positive effects of marijuana?
  7. How many people are punished for marijuana use annually?
  8. How can the US government and citizens benefit from the taxation and regulation of cannabis?
  9. What countries have alternative cannabis policies and how has it positively and negatively impacted that country?
  10. What is the legal status of cannabis in every state?
  11. What happens when a marijuana user in a state that has progressive cannabis policies is confronted by Federal authorities about their marijuana use?

One step at a time...

My project is coming along nicely. I already have my essential question, foundation questions, and key terms completed. I've gotten alot of feed back and ideas from my friends and Ms. Savido, and I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do in the coming weeks. Wish me luck!

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Big Question?

Is cannabis most beneficial to society kept illegal, decriminalized, allowed for medicinal uses, or legalized? This will be the question I want to answer with my graduation project. I've found 10 websites to use for research and already I have alot of data and opinions to start looking at. I'm not sure what our next assignment is, but so far I seem to be ahead, so I'm happy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I found my project idea!

The question I want to answer in my project is whether cannabis sativa is most beneficial to society kept illegal, decriminalized, allowed for medicinal use, or legalized? The project will include research on the plant's history, uses, impact today on society, interviews from experts on the subject, and a letter to Senatator Spector and others who can have an impact on its status as a dangerous drug. So far I already have a few experts in mind and I've got some sites listed. I'm not sure what the end product will look like, but I think it'll be good.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A shift in direction

I doubt my "Free the Water" project is gonna work. I can't find a place in Pittsburgh that will exchange plastic bottles for money and the organizations I would donate the money to don't tell you exactly what your donation is used for. Mr. Tamler has an idea for a grad project he wants someone to do that would create a questionaire on edline. I'm not sure if I'll do it yet because I still have some ideas floating in my head.